Leverage Roofing’s Insurance Claim Support

Leverage Roofing understands that dealing with roofing insurance claims can be overwhelming, which is why we are here to help you every step of the way. Learn more about our roofing insurance claims process below!
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Leverage Roofing's Insurance Claim Process

Leverage Roofing’s Inspection to Determine Scope of Damage

  • One of Leverage Roofing's Representatives performs inspection on homeowners’ roof to determine if damage is present or not.

Leverage Roofing’s Inspection to Determine Scope of Damage

  • If there is enough roof damage present for homeowner to have an insurance claim accepted, Leverage will call in the claim with the homeowner and give insurance company needed information, generates a claim number.
  • If roof damage is caused by a storm, homeowner will have to provide insurance with a storm date, which is the date on which roof damage is believed to have occurred.

Storm date must be 6-12 months within claim being filed


Insurance Field Adjuster Inspection to Determine Scope of Damage

  • Within a week of filing insurance claim, insurance will contact homeowner and one of the insurance company’s field adjusters will come do their own roof inspection
  • One of Leverage Roofing’s representatives will coordinate with your insurance’s field adjuster to be there at time of their inspection.

We do this for two reasons:

  1. To help field adjuster perform inspection and
  2. To help homeowner have best chances of getting roof replaced by insurance

Insurance Company’s Field Adjuster makes Decision

  • About 3-5 days after your insurance company’s field adjuster views your property, they’ll come to a decision about whether or not your roof can be replaced. There are 3 potential outcomes in this scenario:
    1. Complete Denial

      Insurance company denies coverage for any portion of a roof damage claim.

    2. Partial Purchase

      a settlement or payment made by an insurance company to cover only a portion of the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged roof.

    3. Full Purchase / Replacement:

      Full Purchase in roofing insurance claim refers to the replacement of the damaged roof with a new one, without deducting any depreciation or considering the age or condition of the old roof.


Homeowner receives Copy of Adjusters Estimate

  • Once roof is approved by field adjuster, the homeowner will receive copy of adjusters estimate, which provides the scope of work and a rough estimate of what insurance will pay for roof (overall, adjusters estimate determines whether roof was bought, if they did get roof paid for)

Homeowner Receives First Payout for Roof Damage

  • Within roughly 2 weeks of homeowner receiving their Adjusters Estimate, homeowner will receive their first payout from insurance company
  • Leverage typically collects first payment before installing roof ➝ orders materials, installs roof, performs final inspection of roof

Leverage Roofing’s Quality Assurance

  • Once roof is fully installed, Leverage Roofing takes completion photos, sends these photos to insurance company (and also provides them a certification of completion to insurance)
  • Insurance company does their due diligence to look at final invoice

** There is no additional cost to homeowner if wanting insurance to pay for upgrading roofing materials **


South Carolina is no stranger to severe weather conditions such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tropical storms, all of which can cause significant roof damage to residential and commercial roofs. As a homeowner or business owner, it's important to understand the different types of storm roof damage that can occur and how to identify them for insurance purposes.

Potential Issues from High Winds and Hail Damage:

  • Missing shingles
  • Granule loss
  • Bent or broken gutters
  • Damaged roofing material
  • Water damage

Insurance Agents Expect:

  • Documentation of damage
  • Building or home inspection findings
  • Cause of damage
  • Detailed cost estimates

Help Every Step of the Way

Leverage Roofing is dedicated to making the roofing insurance claim process as easy as possible. We understand that dealing with insurance claims and roof inspectors is confusing, which is why we help you by directly communicating with your insurance company.

Experienced Roofing Contractor

We've dealt with all kinds of damage through various insurance agents and insurance coverage. Our inspection report done by a licensed roofer ensures home and business owners receive the appropriate coverage for minor to extensive damage.

Detailed Insurance Inspections

We conduct a detailed professional roof inspection of the damage, documenting the findings with photos and a detailed report, providing an accurate estimate for repairs or new roof replacement with your insurance rates.

1. Review your Insurance Policy

Reviewing your insurance policy when preparing to file a roof damage insurance claim is crucial because it helps you understand the insurance premium, coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions that apply to your policy.

Reviewing your policy with your insurance carrier can also help you identify any potential gaps in coverage that may leave you underinsured or ineligible for reimbursement

2. Assess Damage

Assessing the damage when preparing to file a roof damage insurance claim is another important step to take because it helps determine the extent of the damage and the necessary repairs or replacements needed. This assessment can be done by one of

Leverage Roofing’s professional roofing contractors, which will help with providing your insurance with the necessary documentation and evidence to support your roofing insurance claim. Through assessing the damage, we will also help you identify if there are any safety hazards or potential issues that may require immediate attention, like leaks or structural damage.

3. Be Prompt

Being prompt when preparing to file a roof damage insurance claim is vital because many insurance policies have strict deadlines for reporting damage and submitting claims. Failing to meet these deadlines can result in your claim being denied, leaving you responsible for the full cost of repairs or replacement.

4. Keep Records

Keeping records throughout your roofing insurance claim is a good idea, whether it’s via photographs, roof repair estimates, or invoices. Having this documentation can ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation for your roof damage. Additionally, your documentation can help if you ever decide to sell your property, as you will have a documented history of any costly repairs or replacements made to your property’s roof.

If I suspect roofing damage, who should I contact first?


If you are a homeowner who suspects that you have roofing damage, you should reach out to a reputable roofing contractor, like Leverage Roofing, first. We offer free roofing inspections, where we will assess any storm or wind damage, and help you every step of the way in the roofing insurance claims process.

Who calls in the Roofing Insurance Claim?


A Leverage Roofing representative will do this with the homeowner in step 1 of our Roofing Insurance Claim process.

Will Leverage Roofing be on the premises while the insurance adjuster is inspecting the roof?


Yes! One of Leverage Roofing’s representatives will coordinate with your insurance’s field adjuster to be there at the time of the insurance inspection. We will help the insurance field adjuster perform the inspection so that we can help homeowners have the best chances of getting the roof replaced by insurance.

Will Leverage Roofing cover my roofing insurance deductible?


No, as doing so would be committing insurance fraud. Leverage Roofing takes pride in our strong ethics, which means always being honest and upfront with our customers.

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